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Showing posts from September, 2018


It's pretty dark, my eyes must be red, but I finished it... Eventually I will stop drawing and "advertising" everywhere... I need to also finish my second book (I have probably like two freaking pages of my new novel...) A guy from Facebook, told me that I should hire a good editor O.o He was complaining because of a typo . I went into his FB account, he even wrote a post complaining about Harry Potter... he is also an author, but like me, not really famous, not really relevant. Enough of this shit , I was going to tell you, my fellow strangers, about prostitution . When you hit puberty, you have only one passion in your life, at least for me was fantasizing about women. All kinds, all races, and porno. You need tons and tons of porno, lube as well, but your saliva will do. The addicting sensation of masturbating, a lot, is something that you will experience once in your life, and probably every boy hitting puberty in all different kind of regions


Marissa is a young and cool prostitute in my book series , or more correctly, was one. Master Brennt has an idiotic face... it's so hard to create a proper male face, I'm more used to draw females, this, since I was little.  I remember a time ago, when I met this dude from Nigeria (I think), he was cool, but he did have a murky past. I believe he was selling drugs or something, and he just recently "met Jesus" , and he was trying to change his life (so common in former drug addicts and dealers). He invited me to his bible study group. I went there, and everybody was brainwashed. It's funny how the pastor was trying to convince these african americans to join in. He was using rap, and they even got a small but nice place to record music. I remember that we were discussing about homosexuals, and the fear that causes to religious groups. The one and only girl in there, was saying something like homosexuality was a choice, and a sinful one. I have always belie

Darkness Inside

I am still playing Battle of Wesnoth. Addictive and difficult to master. It has some strategy in it as well as some basic rules. My most experienced Ghast has 123 Hp, my Spectre is at 53 Hp, Nightgaunt at 50 Hp, and one of my sorcerer has 92 Hp. But you can tell that we are in deep trouble. It's the 19th turn and the Orcs are still deploying units. I remember playing this a few years ago. Ubuntu was an almost new creation, you were seeing it everywhere. It promised of a better future for computers, a brighter place for free software, but it stalled. On that particular moment, I was having trouble with my own computer. I probably got it inside the Pirate Bay without protection. A proper analogy of this is to put a famished white skinny boy into a maximum security mexican prison... he is going to get his ass raped. I decided to do the unthinkable, I ditched windows and installed a brand new copy of Ubuntu. I then started tried to do everything into this new ambient. H

Your Mexican telenovela

Last week we went to help our maid , domestic worker. Her name is María. Mexican poor people are the same height as hobbits, they are not dwarves, and I'm not trying to be funny here, it's actually pretty depressing. They should be the same height as other people, but they have genetics and malnutrition as well. I remember that some decades ago, everybody was always drinking home made "fruit" water. e.g. Lime water (in Mexico, we call them Limones, but the gringos say that those are limes), Jamaica water (Jamaica is a flower), Horchata (which is made of rice), and Tamarindo (an acidic sweet bulbous fruit), and it was beautiful, and into this paradise came Coca-Cola, with all its production and factories... another conquerer to fuck us over. My parents are really nice with the people that does domestic work, and they also try to help poor people. I guess they have been like this to teach us to always be humble to whoever lack stuff. Doña Mary lives on

Red vs Captain Tannis

My newest drawing: Red vs Captain Tannis. Yeah, I know... My Orc looks kind of like Blanca from Street Fighter, but it has nothing to do with it... bear with me, I like Orcs... And again, let us talk some more about video games... In my previous post I was telling, you strangers, how I loved to play video games... I can't anymore because now I'm a responsible human being with two little boys to take care of. It's really amazing the amount of time that you need to put on raising two little human beings; hence, no more time for video games. Tolkien described the Orcs as a mutated species, according to him, they were elves tortured and tainted by the big bad guy (Sauron's boss), but he never explained how Orcs reproduced. Later, on his books, Saruman (when he was still "the white") takes some Orcs and makes them better, bigger and nastier, the deadly Uruk-Hai. In World of Warcraft, the Orcs have a demonic past: their blood has been tainted, b

Stone Trolls and Orcs

I love playing... or should I say... I loved playing I remember that when I was young, I was crazy for video games. My spoiled friends all got a Super Nintendo, my grandma was spoiling me with gameboys, but it was not the same thing. You could share a super nintendo and it was colorful. the gameboy was nice (Metroid on Gameboy was awesome), but I always got the envy of not having a stupid super nintendo. With the advent of computers, video gaming on them, and suddenly realizing that its graphics were better than the N64, I was finally dreaming the dream: I remember playing Doom, Heretic, and a game about some space ships fighting each other (don't remember the name), but everything was in glorious 3-D (and in shinny colors) Everything was pixelated, but it was fantastic... Of course, my parents didn't like me and my brothers spending tons of time playing games, we often would indulge in playing these late at night. A complicated issue, because the computer was n
The evolution of my drawings... I have always loved to draw. that was perhaps the reason why I never got any good grades back in my school, I was busy drawing... I used to draw some really nasty things... the cartoonists in Mexico have always been a little explicit, and coming from the liberal mexican family that I come from, we would get newspapers like "La Jornada" with cartoons like these: Which was perfectly suitable for boys around that age. Boys at that age, love to see tits, violence and chaos, change my mind, I dare you... anyway.  Problem was that my drawings were bad, or maybe not that bad, maybe with the same style that this cartoonist (Trino) is drawing, which is not very "aesthetic". Around that age, japanese cartoons were invading our children's minds. There was this little boy who loved to draw the "caballeros del zodiaco" which was really popular in Mexico, that and the simpsons, and the human mind is wonderful, you gr
I am starting a blog today... Somehow, I think that it will help me out with my book selling (which is at zero right now) This is the book I got from Amazon, it is a "proof" book. I was so happy when I first got it, and then as always, you start checking the little details. In this case, the margin is not properly cut, and it did have some minor details on my behalf, e.g. I did have two repeated 21 chapters, and many little inconsistencies everywhere. My father told me that it was ok, the most important thing was the contents, and yes, part of me agree with him, while the fascist part of me: the one that wishes to end all of humanity in a hellish ocean of fire, tells me that the devil is in the details. Both are right. So last night, I was correcting all these stupid minor details, that and at the same time I was fighting with my computer software. Let me explain: I love Microsoft Word, I grew working with the stupid program, it was the only option back then, r