I am starting a blog today... Somehow, I think that it will help me out with my book selling (which is at zero right now)
This is the book I got from Amazon, it is a "proof" book. I was so happy when I first got it, and then as always, you start checking the little details. In this case, the margin is not properly cut, and it did have some minor details on my behalf, e.g. I did have two repeated 21 chapters, and many little inconsistencies everywhere.
My father told me that it was ok, the most important thing was the contents, and yes, part of me agree with him, while the fascist part of me: the one that wishes to end all of humanity in a hellish ocean of fire, tells me that the devil is in the details. Both are right.
So last night, I was correcting all these stupid minor details, that and at the same time I was fighting with my computer software. Let me explain: I love Microsoft Word, I grew working with the stupid program, it was the only option back then, right? But it has flaws... I spent three or more days trying to find a solution for my table of Contents, I wanted only to show the number page of the various subtitles, not the main titles, I couldn't!
I downloaded Libre Office (which is really better nowadays) and Table of Contents in LO is easy peasy... Alas... my eccentric, and demanding ass wanted to reformat all the page numbering to their "external" sides (just as in any other fucking book!) I couldn't even set the proper numeration in LO... So I goggled and it turns out that you can do it, but it depends on your version, which was really hard to find in all the tutorials and you tube channels... I decided to set up my numbers as they were before (in the middle of the page to avoid a fuck load waste of time)
To make matters worse, the computer that I am using to write (an old Acer stupid machine) seems that it is having problems with its energy feed. For some reason, the software might detect that it's plugged in, and then it will detect that it's not plugged in. This results in a symphony of high pitching noises telling you that your stupid computer is plugged in, and 0.5 of a second it is not.
But I really need to contain my anger.
Last time, I was really pissed off (and drunk) to my laser printer. I think I might hurt it, in its soul. I can print, but I need always to press a button that blinks red... fucking stupid machines with feelings. Who was the genius that decided to install feelings on computers and printers?!
Anyway. This is supposed to be my blog to promote my books, I am doing them myself, and I will keep on updating each and everytime.
See you around strangers!
Wanna help this poor writer and his poor family? Don't be a prick, and buy the e-book, or the "physical" one
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