The evolution of my drawings...
I have always loved to draw. that was perhaps the reason why I never got any good grades back in my school, I was busy drawing... I used to draw some really nasty things... the cartoonists in Mexico have always been a little explicit, and coming from the liberal mexican family that I come from, we would get newspapers like "La Jornada" with cartoons like these:
Which was perfectly suitable for boys around that age. Boys at that age, love to see tits, violence and chaos, change my mind, I dare you... anyway.
Problem was that my drawings were bad, or maybe not that bad, maybe with the same style that this cartoonist (Trino) is drawing, which is not very "aesthetic".
Around that age, japanese cartoons were invading our children's minds. There was this little boy who loved to draw the "caballeros del zodiaco" which was really popular in Mexico, that and the simpsons, and the human mind is wonderful, you grow when you meet new people, you grow when you meet new things in life: comics, series, movies, etc. He helped me a lot into having a new style of drawing.
And then you can be a great artist with a pen and a piece of paper, and nowadays there's also the digital drawing, and I know that I still have a long way to go, but I wanted to share with you, strange online companions, my different set of drawings that I have been creating for the purpose of the promotion of my book (I feel that I put so many of's),
These I made them with Gimp... Back when I thought that Gimp was a good option, Vadralisk on top, and stone troll under it... The only thing I like from gimp is that the splines are really easy to make.
Then I discover other options, photoshop, and some other option from Autodesk (I don't remember its name)
And that leaves us until today, where I am using Krita,
I would like to think that I'm getting better... Still! Today I was looking at the digital works of Piotr Jablonski (fucking awesome!), and I was hoping on some day being able to do such great things, one can always dream, right?
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