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El muerto

This is my latest drawing. Theresa is the one in the middle. On her sides are her daughters. They have the purple hair, a particularity of the Ghost people: they are basically elves who excel at "ghost walking" and that is only another name for astral projections... I must confess: the stuff I can't do, I reflect it on my books.

When I was doing my pH.D. my former girlfriend was kind into this (she got an aunt who was capable of "witchcraft"), so sometimes, they went and practice meditation and stuff like that. I tried and I tried, but my mind is too noisy, or I just give up and go to sleep, but I remember once, that I was dreaming, and on that dream, I found myself outside my parent's house. I remember that it was a clear fresh night, and everything was so vivid: the noises, the feeling, even the smells. And the only thing that I couldn't move was my body... my head was coming out from the street, other than that, it truly was like if I was really there.

But that time, it just happened. I was not even planning on doing it, and I have never done it again.

If you search into the subject, the whole idea seems illogical and completely made up. If you ask some other people about it, their own explanations don't add up, and science consider it as a pseudoscience... and you also have your usual schemer trying to make money out of it (but hey! not me, I am just a poor writer trying to use this same concept to add different facets onto my books)

By the way... the title of the post...

Last post I was talking of the bad dead guys... Let me try to explain it...
You are sleeping without a worry, then your whole consciousness is suddenly aware that something bad is about to happen. The first indication of such event happens when you hear the steps... something or someone is coming to get you. The second indication is that you are completely terrified and can't wake up, it would seem that you are caught into a drowsy numbness. The third indication (if you fail to wake up) is when you feel your fucking bed moving. You can also hear the springs being pushed down, this is the last step and when the muerto finally climbs on top of you... It is a terrible experience.

My grandma, and my mother tell me that you need to say lots of cursing to this evil entity. I have learnt that your best option is to force yourself to wake up when you are hearing the steps or when you start feeling unable to move, and for the entity: it really is an evil entity, there are no words for trying to explain that pure evilness. And you have science trying to explain this strange phenomenon, the last thing I heard, was that your mind tries to wake up but your body doesn't follow (or some shit like that), but the feeling of terror that you finally get is something that, I believe, can't be explained by (our current) science... funny thing that this appears to happen since ancient times, and on many different cultures..
This picture is by John Henry Fuseli (1781). From the Wikipedia page on Night Hags

For me, these guys, are the bad guys... perhaps tormented people who love to fuck (or try to fuck) with us, the living dudes... I don't know.

There are many things that I have experienced, and I can't explain with science, perhaps because we don't really know all the answers. I prefer to keep an open mind.

Hope you get a nice good sleep tonight, and pro tip... if you are constantly cursed with such beings... I have found that blessing your home with water and salt is a good reliable option.


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