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The real Narco Mexico

These are some of the different classes of Saurians.
  • The Trackers have enhanced senses of smelling, hearing, and seeing. They are widely used in Saurian patrols to pursue or locate their enemies. 
  • Changelings can "transform" into their enemies (provided, these don't have great smelling senses, or magical traps). Changelings are used as infiltrators; their job is to sow panic and chaos behind enemy ranks.
  • Fighters or Soldiers tend to be shorter, bulkier, but stronger. They can't move swiftly as the previous classes, instead, they are fighting masters, and are the most resilient of them.
They are an important faction in my book: Magika Scientifica B1: Tainted Sun
As you can see, I did use some delimiting line to mark them... it is really hard to just drop that thin black line... so... mea culpa, mea culpa.

By the way! Happy holidays and etcetera. The real great thing about these holidays is that the family gets together, and you can infect others with your H1N1 specific virus strand, and in turn, you can also get infected by your relative's... in the end, if you survive, you get to be stronger.

My two little boys were ill, but are now getting better. Still coughing from now and then... anyway... these are them... my current proudest, and probably my best achievements in life,
you know... I'm a proud father, and these little guys are not easy to take care off. They require lots of time and effort, but is totally worth it.

This has nothing to do with anything at all... let's get into business

Last post, I was going to write about the corrupt politicians in Mexico. To understand the situation that we are currently in, one needs to realize that our Mexican culture and "ideals" is part of the problem.

One as a young Mexican student will hear the recurrent motto: "el que no transa, no avanza", which can be translated to: "if you are not corrupt, you won't succeed", and this is true for mainly all urban places in Mexico (in rural ones people tend to be more honest). In Mexico you need to be always wary of your neighbors, "friends", school mates, and even the police. Mexico is kind of a special hell, where everybody is cannibalizing the unwary traveler.

And is not only getting your stuff robbed by others (this can happen even in primary schools), there are many instances where the boss's relative gets promoted without having the knowledge or the experience (las palancas)... there is injustice everywhere.

Add to this chaotic scenery, incompetent political parties that usually work with some faction of our Narco/Hydra/Monster, and when they are not doing that, they are trying to sell the country to private organizations (privateers is a good name for them), multiply that for some decades, and the end result will be the current state of decay that is Mexico.

Problem with these guys is that the first one (PRI) has lived with corruption as a way of life. The second one (PAN) are a bunch of hypocrites religious clowns. Both parties believe that selling Mexico to the highest bidder (or just their compadres) is the best solution for the elite class in Mexico (or just for their sake). Both are corrupt, and both have been dealing with the Narco. 

Who come, if these guys are so evil, did the Mexicans keep on voting for them?

The vast majority of Mexicans are uneducated and misinformed people... selling your vote for a mere 1000 pesos (50 us dollars) can and might happen. The other big problem happens because of the biased media.

The movies above are a good (comical) example of what is wrong with our nation... I hope they are available in other languages. The last one (la Dictadura perfecta), is the perfect example of the people behind media, and how they try to control what we think.

And you know, I could tell you about statistics, or I could tell you about lots of different facts, and past events, but the violence and lack of opportunities is something very palpable nowadays. e.g. The other day I was going to recycle some materials, and we had the misfortune to encounter a fucking lunatic on the street (I don't know if he was a corrupted policeman, or a crazy narco), he almost crashed us, and was even pointing a gun to us... it was mere luck (happened in broad day light), that he didn't do anything else, but there you have it... me and my family where almost part of the statistics.

Is everybody in Mexico a fucking criminal?

No, and fortunately we have this guy, and I really hope that he can start changing the country... we really need that.

See you later amigos, take good care.


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