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 "The inquisitors didn’t know what to do. He started grabbing them, each time he grabbed one, they would burnt down to a crisp. Marissa could see his new face, a malicious one, a demonic one. This demon was enjoying it. She couldn’t keep on watching anymore; although, the bone breaking noises, the charred smell of human flesh, and that demonic laughter would imprint forever in her memory..."

Excerpt from my book.

How do you draw a Demon

This is not really a demon. This is an ineffective fusion between a demon and a human, this is why you can see that it is deformed; the demon is not adapting well to its human host. It carries human1 and animal caracteristics, but why do we have this idea of an ugly being with horns?

It's, of course, The Church's fault.

Perhaps the first mythological being with horns comes from our cool greek friends:
Satyrs, were promiscuous beings who were in forests fornicating with women, masturbating, or even having sex with animals (why not, they were half beast, right?). These guys were Dionysus's friends, you know, the Orgy and Wine God, the coolest of them all. By the way, Dyonysus's origin is lost forever, he just suddenly appears from somewhere, and he carries tons and tons of wine. I believe there is an instance where some greeks get drunk on wine, and they think they are dead (they were just unconscious), so the rest of greeks kill and butcher our poor Dyonysus, only to find out that their previous comrades were not dead. I don't recall if this is were he becomes a god, or if he was a god before or what... Greek mythology is really cool, but there are many different stories depicting the same thing. I use to watch an animated british series of greek mythology but I have never found it again.

There were some other mythological beasts with horns, for example, the minotaur, but I am guessing here, since there is no historical evidence of it, that the church selected this guy as the maleficent one, the one to hate and depise, after all, Dionysus and his Satyrs were fomenting the antithesis of religious precepts, they were in accordance with our own sexual nature; the church has been always against it.

There is a very good science fiction book called Childhood's End
This one is made by a great Scifi novelist, Arthur C. Clarke. He has an interesting theory of our common aversion for horned beings, I am not going to spoil it for you, you should read it if you haven't yet (also if you like sci fi)... nice cover by the way... abstract covers are sometimes the best.

The other horned beings that I am thinking of are the cool and funny devils from Errementari:

You can watch it on Netflix2... I reccomend using its original audio (euzkera), which is a language that I didn't know it existed. The movie is nice to watch with your children... and here I was confusing myself... for some reason I thought this movie was from Alex de la Iglesia... I believe he likes to do movies like these (Perdita Durango is one of my favorites), Rosie Pérez tits are amazing... or perhaps... were amazing, she is probably 50 by now O.o
Aheeemmm * Slightly lost and looking for somewhere to run... I need to check the other movies made by this director.

I need to keep on working on my second book, the best ideas come when I am in bed, too tired to work on them but at least I remember... See you around complete strangers, I hope to see you around.

1.- Humans are animals as well, I hate people trying to make a huge difference btw humans and animals... but you get the idea of what I was trying to say.
2.- I am angry with Netflix right now... I was expecting to watch Rick and Morty S3 in Mexico; it won't happen. TBS have the rights for S3 ¬¬ can you believe that? I curse you cable television, I curse you!! (and you are included Netflix, how could you loose something that precious?!)


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